Friday 4 September 2015

Nikki's story - update

Nikki had her story in the local newspaper and on the local radios JVS show.  After this she had threatening text messages and emails from Rachel Roberts of Conquest Car Sales and also Jonathan the producer of the show had threats and both Nikki and Jonathan had to get the police involved.

Rachel still continued to threaten Nikki and the police gave Rachel a harassment warning. She denied the threats although the police had the emails and text messages to prove she had threatened Nikki.  During these discussions Rachel did agree to refund Nikki for the car.  After letting Nikki down several times and Nikki getting the JVS show involved again she has finally received a refund for the car.

Below is one of the emails Nikki received, for obvious reasons I have blanked out the vile word she has used.

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